My Story

Even though it is difficult and complicated, truly anyone can do it.

Nevertheless, after understanding the process, I came to realize that even though it is difficult and complicated, truly anyone can do it—with the right information. American universities practice the so-called holistic admission process. This means that they try to understand who the applicant really is as a person (through personal essays, letters of recommendation, extra-curricular activities, and more). Thus, I realized that you don't need to be a world champion or have other incredible achievements to get in.

In my essays I talked about every-day things like working a summer-job, reconnecting with my grandparents or my appreciation for music—and it worked! After months of hard work on the application I got accepted to Harvard and Yale. Then it was just about the decision… Ultimately, I chose Yale because of its friendly nature and sincere devotion to undergraduate students, which are qualities Harvard definitely does not possess.

All this is to say that getting into top American universities is possible even for a regular guy from a small town in the Czech RepublicAll you need is the right mindset and the right guidance—both of which I can very much provide!

My journey to Yale began in my second year of high-school. That year, I won a scholarship to spend one year at a Westminster School, CT (a private American high-school) which not only turned out to be an incredible experience but also provided the necessary foundations that helped me get accepted to Yale and Harvard.

At that time I wasn't even thinking about applying to American universities—I was merely enjoying my time there. However, that didn't matter. The important part was that I developed relationships with my professors and advisors who later explained the application process to me and helped me with all other logistics associated with applying. Without this help I definitely would not be in the U.S. right now.

I talked about every-day things like working a summer-job, reconnecting with my grandparents or my appreciation for music.